Blog > A Look at the Top 5 Policy Management Software Solutions

A Look at the Top 5 Policy Management Software Solutions

Devi Narayanan
May 29, 2024
9 minutes

Finding the right Policy Management Software for your business can be a challenging task. With an array of choices and a multitude of features available, the decision can be overwhelming.

Policy Management Software: Why do you need it?

Maintaining compliance and organizational efficiency is a hard slog. Companies need to stick to plenty of regulations, standards, and internal policies that constantly get updated. Hence, managing these policies manually can be a herculean task that is prone to errors, effort, and time-consumption.

This is exactly when a policy management software comes into action – offering optimized solutions to create, approve, distribute, and attest policies. This assures that your business, be it big or large, remains efficient and compliant as the software allows them to author, edit and publish policy documentation across their organization from a single platform! This centralized approach helps to update internal and external documents, simpler and more consistent. Policy management, regardless of the size of the business, is a crucial tool to scale down risks, boost accountability, and nurture a culture of compliance.

Info in a Nutshell: Policy Management Software

  • Purpose: It is designed to simplify the entire policy lifecycle, from formulation and approval to distribution, acknowledgment, and scheduled reviews.
  • Key Features: A centralized repository offering easy access to stakeholders to all policies, confirming that all parties involved are aligned and informed. Additionally, automation features facilitate updates, while training integrations and acknowledgment tracking to lessen human error and administrative costs.

Role of Policy Management Software in Compliance

Managing compliance with changing regulations and internal policies is stressful to even think of. Effective policy management solution isn’t just a regulatory need but a strategic and smart asset that can maximize efficiency and hedge against risks. A robust policy management system can make sure that policies are consistently followed apart from being created and disseminated effectively.

Here are a few more points on the role of policy management software in compliance:

  1. Automated Policy Drafting, Review, Approval, Distribution, and Attestation

Policy management software transforms the way policies are handled by automating every stage of the process. The software streamlines the entire workflow, ensuring policies are efficiently drafted, reviewed, approved, distributed, and acknowledged by employees. Here’s a detailed look at how this works:

Drafting: The software provides templates and tools that standardize the drafting process, ensuring consistency and completeness. It also includes features like version control and collaborative editing, allowing multiple stakeholders to contribute to and refine policy drafts without confusion.

Review: Automated workflows route drafted policies to the appropriate reviewers, ensuring that every document undergoes thorough scrutiny. Notifications and reminders are built-in, ensuring that deadlines are met and nothing falls through the cracks.

Approval: Once reviewed, policies are automatically forwarded to designated approvers. The software tracks approvals and provides a clear audit trail, documenting who approved what and when, which is essential for accountability and transparency.

Distribution: Approved policies are then distributed to relevant employees through the software. This can be done via email, intranet portals, or direct links within the software itself, ensuring that everyone has access to the latest versions.

Attestation: To ensure that employees have read and understood the policies, the software can require acknowledgments. Employees can digitally sign or acknowledge receipt of the policies, and the software tracks these attestations, providing managers with real-time visibility into who has complied.

  1. Centralized Storage and Access for Policies

A robust policy tool provides a single centralized location for accessing and storing policies. This centralization helps employees understand policy details, get involved in the organizational policy adherence  and compliance process, and demonstrate compliance effectively.

  1. Automated Policy Distribution and Tracking

The software automates the circulation of policies to the employees and tracks their acknowledgments. This way, every employee receives and acknowledges the policies they need to follow, reducing the chances of non-compliance due to negligence.

  1. Policy Alignment with Regulatory Changes

The software often comes with features for monitoring regulatory changes to make sure that policies are updated. This proactive approach helps businesses stay ahead of the curve on meeting compliance requirements, avoiding penalties and maintaining a good reputation with regulatory bodies.

  1. Consistent Policy Enforcement

By centralizing policy management, the software solution guarantees consistent enforcement across the organization. This helps in maintaining a standard approach to compliance, bringing down discrepancies and seeing that all departments adhere to the same guidelines.

  1. Improved Training and Awareness

Softwares integrate training programs to help employees understand how to implement them. Regular training modules can be tracked, bettering overall compliance and reducing the risk of policy breaches due to a lack of understanding.

  1. Scalability for Growing Businesses

Compliance needs grow along with organizations. Policy management software is scalable, letting companies manage a rising number of policies and employees without losing efficiency or control. This scalability ensures that compliance remains manageable even as the business expands.

  1. Data-Driven Insights for Continuous Improvement

Advanced policy management software has data analytics and reporting features that offer insights into policy adherence and compliance trends. These insights can be used to identify areas of improvement, optimize policy management processes, and ensure continuous compliance improvement.

  1. Reduction of Human Error

Manual policy management processes are prone to human error, which can lead to compliance breaches and other complications. Policy management software lessens these risks by automating repetitive tasks, checking accuracy, and reducing the chances of oversight.

  1. Improved Communication and Collaboration

The software helps for better communication and collaboration among stakeholders involved in the policy creation, review, and approval process. This collaborative nature ensures that policies are thorough, well-vetted, and meeting business goals and regulatory requirements.

  1. Audit Readiness and Reporting

Policy management software helps businesses to maintain audit readiness by giving records and audit trails of policy changes, approvals, and employee acknowledgments. This solidifies that during audits, all important documentation is readily available, easing the audit process and showing compliance with regulatory policies.

Now, let’s check out the list of the top 5 best policy management software solutions for your business. Read everything about their differences and the best practices for buying such software along with some useful tips for choosing the RIGHT software.

Top 5 Policy Management Software Solutions

  1. VComply

A renowned policy management software in the industry, VComply is celebrated for its extensive features. It offers document management, workflow automation, and compliance tracking, making it the top choice for organizations searching for the best policy management solution. With this software, you can create, organize, and distribute all policies and procedures using a single interface. It also allows you to establish a centralized repository for policies and help employees stay informed about the policies.

Valuable features:

  • Automated Workflows: Helps with policy creation, approval, and updates.
  • Robust Audit Trail: Gives detailed logs and version control.
  • Centralized Repository: Stores all policies in one place.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offers easy setup and navigation.
  • Document Version Control: Manages different versions of documents.
  • Compliance Tracking and Reporting: Ensures adherence to regulations.
  • Customizable: Adapts to various industries and compliance needs.
  • Excellent Support: Offers strong customer support and training resources.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Allows for policy management on-the-go.
  • Risk and Audit Integration: Connects with risk management and audit functions.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Restricts access based on user roles.
  • Streamlined Governance: Integration with risk and audit management simplifies compliance.
  • Comprehensive Policy Management Solution: Has tools for policy document creation and management.


Affordable pricing with a Starter, Pro, and Enterprise level plans. Contact the team for pricing.

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  1. PowerDMS

This software creates a living connection between your policies, training, and accreditation. It serves as an extensive repository for policy documentation, covering everything from creation and approval to distribution. With its built-in tools, organizations can set up reminders for policy reviews and automate the approval process, streamlining the entire policy management workflow.

  • Centralized storage
  • Automated workflows
  • Acknowledgment tracking
  • Real-time notifications
  • Version control
  • Access control
  • Powerful search
  • Side-by-side comparison
  • Integrations (Microsoft Office, Adobe)
  • Mobile functionality
  1. DocTract

DocTract is a cloud-based policy management software that focuses on simplicity, collaboration, and automation. It helps users to easily import documents by dragging and dropping files into the platform, where they are automatically organized for updates, review, or approval. When team collaboration and document review are needed, the software provides a dedicated interface for organizing feedback.

  • Document Capture, Control and Retention
  • Electronic Signature
  • File Sharing, Recovery and Conversion
  • Government Contracts
  • ISO Compliance
  • Knowledge Capture
  • Policy Training
  • Pre-built Templates
  • Read & Acknowledge
  • Reporting/Analytics
  • Team Collaboration
  1. ConvergePoint

ConvergePoint is a compliance management solution built on SharePoint, tailored for mid- to large-sized companies with over 100 employees, and not ideal for small agencies or healthcare operations. It extends SharePoint’s functionality with a policy management product that fills in gaps, allowing for the creation, review, approval, distribution, and tracking of policies. The solution features three modules: Policy Creation, Policy Library (Distribution), and Policy Acknowledgement.

  • Real-time dashboards
  • Custom workflows
  • Role-based access
  • Expiration notifications
  • Version control
  • Microsoft integration
  • Centralized storage
  • Search and reports
  1. Author-it

Author-it is a policy management, authoring, and publishing software platform that lets users create, manage, and publish policy documents securely. As a component content management system (CCMS), it treats documents as modular pieces that can be independently edited and reorganized. These reusable pieces are stored centrally for easy searching, eliminating the need to track individual files for updates and avoiding confusing duplicates or complex manual version tracking.

  • Multi-channel publishing
  • Variant management
  • Review and approval workflows
  • Authoring assistance
  • Single source content reuse

How Policy Management Software Streamlines Processes and Reduces Risks

Policy management software gives a detailed solution to streamline the creation, distribution, and monitoring of policies within an organization. By automating these processes, companies can ensure that all employees have access to the most up-to-date policies and that compliance is consistently monitored and enforced.

Firstly, policy management software centralizes all policy documents in a single, accessible repository. This paves way for employees to easily find and reference the latest versions of policies, reducing the risk of outdated or incorrect information being used. Plus, the software can track acknowledgments from employees, making sure everyone has read and understood the policies. This is crucial for compliance and audit purposes.

Secondly, the software helps in the development and approval process of new policies. Workflow automation ensures that the key stakeholders are present at the right stages for giving input and approving efficiently. This not only speeds up the policy creation process but also sees that all angles are covered to reduce the risk of oversights in workflow management.

Compliance CTA

Moreover, policy management software provides tools for often doing reviews and updates of policies. Given the dynamic nature of regulations, this feature is critical for maintaining compliance. Automated reminders and workflows ensure that policies are reviewed at scheduled intervals, and any necessary updates are made promptly.

In terms of reducing risks, policy management software improves transparency and accountability. It logs all changes and updates to policies, creating an audit trail that is indispensable during compliance audits. This lets organizations to demonstrate their conformity to regulatory demands and internal standards, thus avoiding potential fines and reputational tarnish.

Plus, the software facilitates training and awareness programs. By integrating with learning management systems, it can ensure that employees receive necessary training on new or updated policies. This not only improves compliance but also supports a culture of awareness and responsibility throughout the organization.

Key Features to Look for in a Policy Management Software

Getting policies, auditing, and compliance wrong can lead to big time consequences, such as regulatory fines, penalties, and legal action. Here are some features to look for in a good policy management solution:

  • Organization: The solution should centralize and categorize policies, making them easy to search and reference, reducing the complexities of paper-based systems.
  • Accessibility: Make sure staff can easily access the policy database, as policies are only effective if employees can read and follow them. Easy access improves adherence.
  • Preset and Customizable Templates: Built-in templates for industry-wide regulations can save setup time and offer a framework for customizing policies to fit your organization.
  • Policy Sharing: The ability to quickly share specific policies with internal and external stakeholders is important for compliance and transparency, helping avoid legal or PR issues.
  • Tracking: Monitoring who has read a policy can lessen administrative time and make sure that  employees are informed, without manual confirmation.

Benefits of Using Policy Management Software

  1. Centralizes Policy Documentation, Reducing Compliance Errors and Liability Risks
  • Centralized documentation brings down errors and resolves liability risks by checking everyone has access to the updated policies.
  1. Accessibility and Accountability via Tracking Changes and Automating Approval Processes
  • Tracking changes and automating approvals strengthen transparency and accountability across the organization.
  1. Improves Organizational Efficiency and Employee Engagement with Up-to-Date Policy Access
  • Easy access to up-to-date policies boosts efficiency and employee engagement, promoting a culture of compliance.

What are the Best Practices for Buying a Policy Management Solution?

You understand the importance of policy management software. It helps your agency or healthcare facility avoid expensive lawsuits and fines, boosts efficiency, prevents potential issues, and saves a lot of money on printing.

With this in mind, what steps do you need to take to purchase your policy management solution?

  1. Secure Leadership Buy-In

To buy a policy management solution, you need get buy-in from senior leadership. This involves committing to not only having policies, processes, and procedures but also to updating them regularly. Set up a policy review committee with executive approval. Once leadership is on board, you can select a policy management solution that meets the needs.

  1. Audit Your Policy Process

To choose the best solution, you must understand your current policy management condition. Are you using a robust process, or are you still reliant on traditional paper and binders? Ask yourself:

  • What is your current policy management system (paper, digital, mixed)?
  • What are its benefits and drawbacks?
  • Do you have an automated policy creation process?
  • Can you manage policies from creation to archive?
  • Are your policies stored in a centralized location?
Compliance CTA

  1. Listing Your Non-Negotiables

Be aware of the essential features and capabilities your policy management software must have. Compare these must-have features to the pros and cons we’ve discussed. Key features typically include mobile capabilities for access on any device, a cloud-based solution for remote access, and signature tracking to ensure policy updates are read and acknowledged. Work with your policy compliance team and top leadership to establish the non-negotiables of your business.

  1. Ask the Right Questions

When selecting a policy management tool, it’s best to ask the right questions to avoid surprises and meet your needs without hidden costs. Consider asking:

  • How much money will the software save us?
  • Do you provide policy and procedure templates or samples?
  • Can we access third-party content for training and policies?
  • Are accreditation standards manuals available?
  • What security measures do you implement?
  • Can I create custom reports?
  • What types of dashboards are available?
  • Do you offer a mobile app and what functionalities does it include?

This blog can help you understand more about the guidelines to buy GRC software. Check it out.

Tips for Picking the Right Policy Management Tool

Choosing the right policy management software is super important to maintain compliance and efficiency within your organization. Here are some key tips to guide you in selecting the best tool:

  • Identify Your Non-Negotiables

Start by listing the essential features your policy management software must have. These can be cost-effectiveness, central storage, ease of use, customer support, access control, tracking, and integration capabilities.

  • Compare Features

Compare potential software against your non-negotiables. Look for features like policy creation and lifecycle management, version control, automated workflows, and security.

  • Consider Long-Term Costs

Remember, even the most affordable solution can become costly if it doesn’t meet your needs. The wrong software can create compliance gaps, leading to inefficiencies, fines, or even lawsuits in worst cases.

  • Prioritize Key Features

Prioritize the features that are most important to your stakeholders. For example, if customer support and ease of use are top priorities, make sure those are met first.

  • Research Research Research!

Enhance reviews from buyer’s guides with other sources. Look for insights from multiple reviews and articles to get a well-rounded understanding of each option.

  • Demos and Trials

Once you have a shortlist of potential tools, sign up for demos and free trials to test their functionality and ease of use.

Here are some common criteria that may or may not be non-negotiables for your business:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: delivers a quick return on investment.
  2. Central Storage: a single source of truth for all policies.
  3. Ease of Use: with a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
  4. Customer Support: 24/7 access to a skilled support team.
  5. Training: quality onboarding and maintenance resources.
  6. Access Control: robust search and control over user permissions.
  7. Acknowledgement Tracking: tracking feature to see who received and signed policies.
  8. Testing: customizable tests to verify employee understanding.
  9. Advanced Workflows: for collaboration across the organization.
  10. Smart Editing: side-by-side comparison with changes highlighted.
  11. Version Control: maintain a single version of each policy and archive old versions.
  12. Lifecycle Tracking: ability to monitor policies throughout their entire lifecycle.
  13. Security: protection against internal and external threats.
  14. Mobile Access: easy accessibility to policies from any device.
  15. Integration: seamless integration with your existing programs.

Streamline Your Policy Management with VComply

All of this and more can be achieved with the right policy management software. However, choose carefully, as not all platforms offer the same features and functions. Many fall short of delivering everything listed above while remaining user-friendly.

With VComply, you can create, organize, and distribute all policies and procedures in a single intuitive interface. Check out the page and see how you can establish a centralized repository for keeping your business policies and assisting employees in staying current about policies and changes.Sign up for a demo today with VComply to create, revise, approve and manage policies 5x faster!