Achieve a unified view of risk with risk metrics
Achieve a unified view of risk by maintaining a risk register, managing and tracking risk metrics, and overseeing and monitoring risk across health centers.
Simplify assessment
Streamline all compliance assessments and audit testing seamlessly on a scalable platform.
Manage risk
Automate risk management processes – understand risk exposure and perform risk assessment.
Automate policies
Streamline the policy management process by automating policy drafting, policy approval, and attestation.
Adopt a collaborative approach to GRC activities
VComply transcends organizational silos, fostering a comprehensive and collaborative approach to GRC activities and processes across the hospital.
Centralize compliance and regulatory engagement
Establish a centralized compliance framework to handle regulations such as EMTALA, HIPAA, ACA, HITECH etc., controls, evidence, questionnaires, and tests. Implement controls, map controls, and regulations to prevent overlap and redundancy.
Enhance internal audit procedures in your healthcare
Enhance internal audit procedures in your healthcare organization with the VComply Internal Audit solution. View all auditable entities, risks, and issues using a centralized interface, plan, schedule, collaborate, and conduct audits.
Centrally manage audits with a risk-based approach, simplifying planning and improving collaboration, accessing audit data, evidence, issue reporting, and remediation status.
Improve evidence management & collaboration
Enable systematic document and evidence management—centrally manage evidence and supporting documents in a repository. Integrate VComply with your everyday tools, such as Slack and Teams, to receive notifications and access tasks directly.
Ensure robust protection for personal healthcare data
Embrace an enterprise-wide cyber risk and compliance management strategy, attaining comprehensive visibility into risks, threats, vulnerabilities, and quantified risk exposures.
Streamline policy and control management, ensure robust protection for extensive personal healthcare data, mitigate cyber threats and potential breaches, minimize data breaches and fines, and achieve real-time insight into cyber risks.
“VComply provides a way to automate your compliance program and assign tasks to individuals, along with reminders and the ability to upload supporting documentation”