Moonlighting Policy
Moonlighting is working a second job while employed elsewhere. Organizations can prevent it by implementing a policy that restricts employees from engaging in secondary employment. Such policies ensure employees stay focused and productive in their primary job.
- Get the moonlighting policy template word file downloaded from the link provided.
- Edit, add, or remove the template content to fit your organization’s requirements.
- Check policy accuracy, compliance, and share with stakeholders for input.
- Facilitate review, approval, and attestation of the policy document.
- Regularly review and update policy to ensure compliance and relevance.
Moonlighting Policy
This policy document outlines the guidelines and regulations surrounding moonlighting, which refers to any work undertaken outside an employee’s primary job. The purpose of this policy is to restrict employees of [Organization Name] from engaging in additional employment that may interfere with their primary job duties, compromise the organization’s interests, or create any conflict of interest.
Our organization’s moonlighting policy aims to ensure that employees are fully committed to their primary job responsibilities and do not engage in outside work that may conflict with their obligations to the organization.
- Scope
- Policy Details
- Related Laws and Regulations
- Disciplinary Action
- Declaration